Embizeni Creche

In 2006, Emelda Kunene, with financial support from 2 benefactors, set up the Embizeni Crèche.

It now caters for children from 6 months to 4 years, 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. She has 6 teachers/assistants helping to guide the children, a cook for the kids’ mid-day meal, a cleaner and a security/gardener.

Parents are charged R100/month with a further R15.00/day per child paid by the Ward Council.

Quite a few of the mothers are school girls who cannot pay anything but some work in the community garden helping in this way. Donations make up the rest of their income.

The crèche has a written constitution setting out its objectives and organisational structure which includes a focus on early childhood development.